The secret of effective executives is pretty simple. As Peter Drucker writes in his classic book, The Effective Executive, the secret is is the ability to "get the right things done." That it. Do that and your effectiveness will sky rocket.
The trouble is it's not easy. First, you have to be clear about what the right things are. That can be tough when there are tons of issues competing for your attention. Second, you have to figure out a way to focus your time on these key issues and avoid the distractions that constantly bombard your every day life.
That's what we will be exploring in the coming days and weeks. How do we know the right thing when we see it? And how do we focus our time on those things?
That should be simple, right? Well it's not, that's why I have a job. I'm here to help you figure this stuff out.
Think about this idea of getting the right things done. Do you know what your right things are? What's stopping you?